Sunday, December 5, 2010

Random Thoughts

So, here we are and it's been awhile since I've posted again. I have a few arts & crafty types of things to post and share, but finding the energy to do so isn't coming to me. :)

Instead, I'd just like to share a little promise I've made to myself and to my children:

Girls, someday you will be tweens, pre-teens, teenagers and eventually adults. I have no idea what those days will bring- what heartaches you will endure, what your accomplishments will be, what level of education you will earn, what career you will pick or what your favorite hobbies will be. But I promise to always love you and accept you unconditionally.

I may disagree with you or your choices sometimes and you will most definitely disagree with me on occasion, but no matter how you choose to live your life I will be supportive, promise to lend an ear if you need to talk, promise to offer advice if you want it and learn to keep my advice to myself if you just aren't in the mood to hear it.

This is my vow to you. I may forget to honor it sometimes, but no matter what- you are my children and I love you. Always and forever.


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