Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ahhh...My first blog post. Well, I suppose that's not completely true since I started a blog a couple years ago, but never posted more than twice. I had a grand fantasy of updating once a week about my children and life in general, but then taking care of my children and life in general kind of took over. Oops!

Anyway, so now I'm committed to updating my blog often, or as often as possible. Having three girls under the age of five makes for some great, fun and exciting, but exhausting and crazy times, but I'm really hoping to keep up on this one.

I haven't quite decided where to take this blog. I've considered arts and crafts, money-saving tips, recipes and various other topics, but haven't been able to settle on one so I guess I'll just start updating and see where I end up. In the meantime, you might just find a mix of all the above plus a few other topics thrown in for good measure! :)

How, you may (or may not) ask did I choose the title of my blog- Every Mama Works? Well, it's true, right? Whether you are a mama who works out-of-the-house and in an office, one who works out-of-the-home or a stay-at-home mama YOU ARE WORKING. You are working 24 hours each day. If you're preparing spreadsheets, organizing a fundraiser, cooking dinner for your family, caring for your sick baby, nursing a teething baby almost 'round the clock or running your children to and from school and other various activities...you're a working mama!

I've had the experience of working outside-the-home and, while I'm not "technically" a stay-at-home mom right now I'm in a position that allows me to be with my girls all day, every day and I love every minute of it. Ok, some days are better than others, but I still wouldn't trade it.

While some mamas enjoy being at home with their kids, others find they enjoy having an outside career in addition to being a mom. Seeing as I've been on both sides I know the advantages and disadvantages of the two lifestyles. I hope no matter how your life is shaping up you find some enjoyment in my blog and know you are welcome here anytime. :)

As I journey through the blogging world I will be adding pictures and links to interesting subjects. Please hang in there with me and let me know what I can write about to keep you hooked. :)

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