Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Sunday Word

Not to be confused with the THE Word...I have no religious wisdom to offer at this time of day :), but I thought I'd take the opportunity to introduce a new word, or at least a favorite word of mine, at the start of each week. So...this Sunday's word is: Persnickety

As defined by Merriam-Webster: a) Fussy about small details b) Having the characteristics of a snob

I've always liked this word. Not sure why, but every time I see a Sargento cheese commercial I smile a little. Their tagline "Persnickety people Exceptional cheese" is amusing. I'd like to think I like the word some much because it is so much UNLIKE the person I am, but I'm afraid some people would argue. Although, I hope my "fussines" and "snobiness" is what makes me such a fun person to be around. *laughs*

I hope you've enjoyed this installment of The Sunday Word. Please feel free to use our "new" word at your earliest convenience. :D

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